Tuesday 29 January 2008

Through repetition the magic will be forced to rise

Strangely, cashews appeared on my list for yesterday's juice feast. It's a wonder how the magic of day 17 keeps choosing to reveal itself groudhog day stylee as I today embrace Day 17 of this beautiful adventure once again. The secrets of the universe are there in all of natures gifts, each with it's own mystical vibration. It is our job only to open ourselves, tune into the vibration and receive the guidance and support that is there for us all.

Conversations with Suki yesterday revealed the importance of our maintaining our uniqueness within our global oneness. To respect, feel strong in and follow our truth without getting lost in the soaring beauty of others, something my piscean tendencies to merge with everything and anything in the universe can struggle with.

Disunity, confusion, pain, grief and despair are words we must be careful not to use with any sense of judgement. It is usually from our own limited perception of what it is to be born into a particular circumstance, community or situation that we bestow these epitaphs on other people and their lives.

It with the perception of the stars that we can start seeing it as it is: the perfection in everything. The surging ball of fire that glows and pulses from the entrails of the universe is calling to us all to stop questioning, to stop judging, to stop analysing. We can only listen, breath and jump heart first into the expansive ocean of movements and feeling that is ours to manifest. In our individual glory we must go forth and start making the contribution we are here to fulfil.

To that one, I offer myself.

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